Iso Whey Zero, 500 grame - PROMOȚIE
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Preţ:  144,00 Lei  132,00 TVA inclus
Producător: BioTech USA
Categorii: Proteine, Promoții,
Disponibilitate: În Stoc

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DescriereIso Whey Zero, 500 grame - PROMOȚIE

Iso Whey Zero - Izolat din zer nativ de calitate premium fără zahăr*, fără lacoză** și fără gluten.

  • Ingredient de bază izolat din zer cu adaos de aminoacizi BCAA și glutamină.
  • Ingredient de bază: izolat din zer nativ
  • Conținut proteic excepțional
  • Cu adaos de aminoacizi: l-glutamină și BCAA
  • Absorbție rapidă și ușoară
  • Fără zahăr*, lactoză** și gluten
  • Fără conservanți
  • Fără ulei de palmier
  • Fără aspartam

*În cazul produselor în formă de pulbere afirmația se referă la produsul gata preparat cu apă
**În caz de diluare maximă produsul nu conține lactoză

Performanța începe cu ingredientele de bază.

Zerul nostru nativ este făcută direct din lapte proaspăt prin pasteurizare, urmată de micro- și ultrafiltrare la temperaturi scăzute, după ce se efectuează pulverizarea într-o cameră specială de uscare. Datorită acestei proceduri unice, structura proteică este conservată în forma sa cea mai completă și rămâne, de asemenea, bogată în imunoglobulină (anticorp) și lactoferină (parte a sistemului imunitar). De asemenea, materia primă nu conține substanțe chimice și nici alți contaminanți.


Datorită conținutului remarcabil de proteine, Iso Whey Zero este o alegere perfectă pentru sportivii activi care depun toate eforturile pentru un corp definit și musculos, dar de asemenea este o alternativă excelentă pentru cei care sunt la dietă.

1 porție conține:

  • 93 kcal
  • 21 g proteine
  • 4.5 g de BCAA


Lactoza, cunoscută și sub numele de "zahăr din lapte", este un carbohidrat complex, reprezentând aproximativ 2-8% din conținutul de substanță uscată a laptelui. Avem nevoie în principal de lactoză în timpul copilariei și, prin urmare, mai târziu organismul nostru de multe ori nu produce deloc enzima numită lactază, necesară pentru a descompune lactoza, ceea ce cauzează intoleranță la lactoză. În zilele noastre aproape 75% din populația lumii suferă de intoleranță la lactoză.


Proteina este un element esențial al corpului nostru, o sursă de nutrienți alcătuită din aminoacizii produși de corpul nostru și suplimentați din surse externe. Contribuie la menținerea și creșterea țesuturilor musculare. AI nevoie de mai multe proteine dacă faci sport în mod regulat, dacă dorești să-ți crești masa musculară, dacă dorești să pierzi în greutate.


Pentru că este modalitate rapidă, conveneabilă și eficientă de a suplimenta aportul tău proteic. Ai nevoie doar de produs, de un shaker și puțină apă. Absorbția acestor produse este poate fi rapidă (30-40 de minute), moderată (1-2 ore) sau lentă (peste 2 ore)

Iso Whey Zero este alcătuită din ingrediente sigure și atent selectate.

Mod de administrare: Amestecați o porție (25 g = 1 cupă plină = 2 linguri) cu 200 ml sau 350 ml** de apă într-un shaker (În cazul diluării maxime, produsul este fără lactoză). În zilele de antrenament luați o porție dimineața și o porție imediat după antrenament. În zilele de pauză luați o porție dimineața și o porție după masă.

BiotechUSA Iso Whey ZERO

Cantitatea unei doze: 25,00 g | 1 scoop filled to the top mark = 2 heaped tablespoons
Numărul porţiilor 1/20/36/54/90


Calorii395 kJ / 93 kcal1 579 kJ / 372 kcal

Grăsimi0,00 g1,60 g

din care saturate0,3 g1 g

Carbohidraţi1,30 g5,20 g

Zahăr<0,5 g0,8 g

Proteine21,00 g84,00 g

Sare0,18 g0,71 g

  • 84,0% Proteine
  • 5,2% Carb.
  • 0,0% Grăsimi
  • 10,8% Altele
Descompunerea caloriilor
  • 92,6% Proteine
  • 5,7% Carb.
  • 0,0% Grăsimi
Vitamins and Minerals (other ingredients)25gNRV3

Essential Amino Acids (EEA's)9448 mg
Conditionally Essential Amino Acids (CAAs)7144 mg
Nonessential Amino Acids (NAAs)4408 mg
Total BCAAs4489 mg

2RI%: Reference intake of an average adult (8400 kJ/2000 kcal).
**No NRV has been established.

3NRV%: Nutrient reference value for adults.

Allergen information

Made in a plant that produces foods containing milk, eggs, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts.

Sugar-free: <0.5 g sugar/100 ml ready-to-drink. Gluten-free in accordance with European Union regulations. Lactose-free: <0.1 g lactose/100 ml ready-to-drink beverage.


The consumption of this product is not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle!

White chocolate

whey protein isolate 87% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], flavourings, L-Glutamine 2.5%, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food.


whey protein isolate 88% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, flavourings, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colour (tartrazine¹). ¹Tartrazine: may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food.


whey protein isolate 84% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], fat-reduced cocoa powder, L-Glutamine 4%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), flavourings, salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food.


whey protein isolate 87% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], L-Glutamine 5%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], flavourings, acid (citric acid), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), emulsifier: lecithins (soy), anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), salt, L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colour (Allura Red AC¹). ¹Allura Red AC: may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.


whey protein isolate 89% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], flavourings, acid (citric acid), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), emulsifier: lecithins (soy), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colours (tartrazine, Allura Red AC)1. 1Tartrazine and Allura Red AC may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.


whey protein isolate 90% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], flavourings, thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), emulsifier: lecithins (soy), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), acid (citric acid), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colour (tartrazine¹). ¹Tartrazine may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food.


whey protein isolate 91% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], L-Glutamine 5%, acid (citric acid), flavourings, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colours (Allura Red AC1, indigotine). ¹Allura Red AC: may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing foods. Store product in a cool, dry place.


whey protein isolate 87% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, flavourings, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), salt, acid (citric acid), anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food.


whey protein isolate 86% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, flavourings, instant coffee, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), cinnamon, L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food. WARNING: The product contains caffeine. Not recommended for children, or pregnant women. (10 mg caffeine/100 ml ready to drink product, or 6 mg caffeine/100 ml ready to drink product in case of maximal dilution.)

Cookies & Cream

whey protein isolate 82% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], L-Glutamine 5.5%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti- caking agent (calcium phosphates)], flavourings, chocolate powder [cocoa mass, cocoa butter, fat- reduced cocoa powder, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), flavouring], emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), cinnamon, salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, sweetener (sucralose). Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food.

Lemon cheesecake

whey protein isolate 88% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], flavourings, L-Glutamine 2.5%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti- caking agent (calcium phosphates)], acid (citric acid), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), emulsifier: lecithins ( soy), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colour (tartrazine¹). ¹Tartrazine may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food.


whey protein isolate 87% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], flavourings, L-Glutamine 2.5%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], acid (citric acid), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), emulsifier: lecithins (soy), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colours (tartrazine, Allura Red AC)¹. ¹Tartrazine, Allura Red AC: may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food.


whey protein isolate 87% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], fat-reduced cocoa powder, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), flavourings, salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food.


whey protein isolate 88% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, flavourings, emulsifier: lecithins ( soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), salt, anti- caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colours (tartrazine1, indigotine). 1Tartrazine: may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food.

Walnut liqueur

whey protein isolate 83% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], flavourings, L-Glutamine 4%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], fat-reduced cocoa powder, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, sweetener (sucralose). Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food.


whey protein isolate 86% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], flavourings, L-Glutamine 3.1%, colour (ammonia caramel), emulsifier: lecithins (soy), salt, thickener (carrageenan, xanthan gum), anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food.

Piña colada

whey protein isolate 90% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], flavourings, thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), emulsifier: lecithins (soy), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), acid (citric acid), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colour (tartrazine¹). ¹Tartrazine may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food.

Berry brownie

whey protein isolate 83% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], fat-reduced cocoa powder, L-Glutamine 4%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], flavourings, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food.

Salted caramel

whey protein isolate 88% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], L-Glutamine 3.1%, flavourings, salt, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), colour (ammonia caramel), anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing foods.

BEST BEFORE (day/month/year): See in the white field (LOT/EXP). Store product tightly closed, in a cool, dry place.


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Taguri: iso, biotech, zero, whey,

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